We inform you that Cam Hospital srl, in order to broaden its access to foreign markets and promote its internationalization processes, has participated with its own physical exhibition space in the following sector trade fairs:
- Medica, trade fair for medical technology & healthcare, held in Dusseldorf in November 2023 as the International Medicine and Hospital Technology Fair, with over 5,300 exhibitors from almost 70 countries and 83,000 visitors. MEDICA is one of the largest B2B medical fairs in the world. A wide range of innovative products and services in the fields of medical imaging, laboratory technology, diagnostics, health IT, mobile health as well as physiotherapy/orthopedic technology and consumer medical devices are presented here. The extensive program of first-class forums, conferences and special exhibitions offers opportunities for interesting presentations and discussions with experts and politicians and also includes new product presentations as well as award ceremonies.
- Exposanità, international healthcare exhibition, the 23rd edition held at BolognaFiere in April 2024 with 450 companies, over 200 conferences and 21,450 visitors present, confirms Exposanità as the leading event in the sector. The professions of the health and social care world are at the center of the activities of the event, which over time has become, in addition to an opportunity for commercial exchange, a moment of discussion and growth for NHS professionals. Over the three days, all the crucial issues of Italian healthcare were addressed, starting with the crisis of resources and human capital, both with regards to the recruitment of doctors and nurses. Among the 3 topics addressed also digitalisation, the redefinition of the care setting and the emergency room, rehabilitation and the elderly.
Thanks to the program in question as a Beneficiary SME, Cam Hospital has determinedly obtained Lazio Innova n. G06267 of 05/24/2024 an admitted expense of 30,480.00 Euros as a non-repayable contribution to support the investments incurred for participation in the above-mentioned fairs, this has allowed us to consolidate the customer portfolio thanks to the evaluation of new potential purchase projects as well as accessing new markets with an international scope by acquiring new foreign customers with a view to continuous growth and development in line with the long-term corporate strategy. At the same time it was able to have access to innovations in the procurement field in order to strengthen its competitiveness in the sector.